Estes Valley Voice
Estes Valley Voice
Estes Valley Voice
Estes Valley Voice
Estes Valley Voice

It's time to turn the page to better journalism in the Estes Valley.

Starting August 2024

The Estes Valley Voice is a new, journalist-founded, locally owned digital newsroom offering the Estes Valley accurate, fact-based, and in-depth news, features, opinions, and commentary focused on people, businesses, and events in the Estes Valley.

We are incorporated as a public benefit corporation, which is a for-profit business that aims to provide a public benefit to the community. 

News is a public good and the media should contribute to the life of a community by prioritizing people over profits while also aiming to stay in business. And that business is the news. 

The Fourth Estate plays an essential role in the democratic process as a watchdog over government and by it chronicling the story of a community and its people. 

Why Digital?

The printed page is still an important medium, but like a rotary dial telephone, newspapers--what many people call "dead tree technology” — are an outdated mode of providing people with the news. 

By the time a story is written, laid out for press, printed on paper, driven to Estes, and then distributed locally or mailed to subscribers, the news is history. 

Today, more than 80 percent of news is read on mobile devices, tablets, or computers. Digital news is immediate, updatable in real time, and environmentally sustainable.

We believe the news should be accessible to everyone without a paywall, but we know that quality journalism is not cheap, and journalists are professionals who deserve to earn a living wage for the work they produce. 

Estes Park, Colorado

Our Business Model

The Estes Valley Voice will operate with a subscription model that will allow everyone to read our stories on our website. Subscribers will receive a newsletter in their inbox three days a week with the headlines linked to the stories. 

Subscribers will also have additional benefits such as priority access to community engagement events including speakers, educational programs, and panel discussions on topics of community concern.

In addition to three subscription levels (basic, supporter, sustainer), we are also funded by the operating capital of investors and by advertising revenues.

Keep in Touch

If you want to be a subscriber or an advertiser, or if you want to be involved as a journalist or contributing writer, we want to hear from you. And if you want to be kept in the loop as our digital presses prepare to roll, we will keep you posted. 

Please call us at 970-586-1888, send us an email at, or use the form below.

Share Your Opinion.

We would appreciate your feedback about what you want in local news content. Please take our survey!

I am interested in being a subscriber, tell me more about Estes Valley Voice subscription levels.

I am interested in being an advertiser, tell me about advertising opportunities in the Estes Valley Voice.

I am a journalist and am interested in writing for the Estes Valley Voice.

I am in Sales/Marketing and am interested in working with the Estes Valley Voice.

America Needs Journalists

970-586-1888 • •

1180 Graves Ave A7, Estes Park, CO 80517

© 2024 Estes Valley Voice, All Rights Reserved • Estes photos by Rick Martinez for the Estes Valley Voice